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Welcome to our new RESOURCES page, with general resources, gardening in the Pacific Northwest, and attracting wildlife to your Pacific Northwest backyard.

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Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District
District employees work with landowners to meet natural resource conservation goals. Their top three concerns are water, weeds, and wildlife.
(503) 210-6000

Oregon State University Extension Services, Clackamas County
Extension educators work with OSU scientists to teach community members through programs and research-based learning materials. Topics include environment, trees & woodlands, gardening, small farms, food preservation, food & nutrition, family & youth, and health & wellness. At the bottom of their homepage, there is an “Ask an Expert” button!
(503) 655-8631

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The BLM works to manage and conserve the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations, including the Molalla River Recreation Corridor and the Table Rock Wilderness Area.
(503) 375-5646

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW)
ODFW provides information on Oregon fishing, hunting, wildlife, licenses and regulations, and conservation.
(503) 947-6000 or (800) 720-ODFW [6339]

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and they provide farmer, ranchers, and forest landowners with financial and technical assistance to make conservation improvements to their land. For example, they might be able to assist you in your effort to provide nectar, pollen, and larval food sources for pollinators on your farm.
(503) 655-3144 ext. 108

Current Discharge Conditions for U.S. Geological Survey Gage on the Molalla River near Canby
Graph of current discharge and gage height for the Molalla River near Canby, Oregon. The page is interactive and you can look at data over different time intervals.

U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center
Data on surface water, groundwater, and water quality in Oregon and the rest of the U.S.

National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), U.S. Drought Portal
A warehouse of drought related issues such as information on managing impacts of drought, and past and current drought conditions. Under regional programs, Pacific Northwest, there are lots of really interesting maps showing current conditions, water supply, impacts, and looking ahead.

WeedWise, Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District
The WeedWise program serves as a technical resource to local landowners and land managers trying to control invasive weeds on their property.
(503) 210-6000

Oregon Invasive Species Online Hotline
Report potential invasive species or get help identifying something that could be an invasive species to help provide vital early detection information to the experts working to stop the next invasion before it starts.

SOLV - Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism
SOLV is a non-profit organization that organizes over 1,000 cleanup and restoration projects throughout Oregon. Molalla River Watch adopted 12 miles of the Molalla River in the Molalla River Corridor in 1992 through the SOLVe Adopt-A-River program and has been coordinating two annual river cleanups. SOLV conducts many native plant plantings each year and is involved in restoring public lands.
(503) 8440-9571 or (800) 333-SOLV [7658]

Dump Stoppers, Clackamas County
A program that is funded by a federal grant to deter illegal dumping and vandalism on U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Clackamas County owned forest lands within the County. Call the telephone tipline when you see or suspect illegal dumping on federal, county, or timber company lands.
(503) 650-3333

Riparian Lands Tax Incentive Program
Landowners and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife sign a riparian management plan and agreement to maintain, preserve, conserve, and rehabilitate riparian lands assuring protection of the soil, water, fish, and wildlife resources for the economic and social wellbeing of the state and its citizens. Landowners receive a complete property tax exemption for the riparian property up to 100' from the stream.
Contact: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)
Patty Snow (503) 947-6089

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
A non-profit organization for invertebrate conservation and their habitat. They offer a variety of publications to help identify and conserve invertebrates and manage their habitats. They also give workshops and presentations for growers on native pollinators.
(855) 232-6639


Rodale’s Organic Life, Monthly Garden Calendar for the PNW
An organic gardening month by month almanac for the PNW.

Rainy Side Gardeners
Great gardening resource for the PNW. Check out the sections on native plants categories under the plant guides tab ( and native plants resources and links under the articles tab (resources for gardening with native plants, at bottom of articles, native plants page) (

Information on native plants and landscaping resources to connect nursery owners, landscape professionals, and consumers.

Native Plant Society of Oregon
Native plant and habitat conservation group. Local chapters hold meetings, field trips, and plant shows and sales for members and non-members alike.

Northwest Edible Life: Life on Garden Time
Blog by “a professional chef turned gardening and urban homesteading fanatic” who lives in the Pacific Northwest. Posts include gardening, cooking, chicken and ducks, and food preservation.

National Pesticide Information Center
Provides information about pesticides to help people make decisions about pesticides and their use. Run by Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
(800) 858-7378 for questions about any pesticide-related topic (8am-12pm PST) or email


Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Living With Wildlife
Information on how to make your backyard into habitat for wildlife, includes landscaping design ideas.

hansen’s Northwest Native Plant Database, Wildlife Habitats with Pacific Northwest Native Plants
Great resource on PNW native plants to attract birds and other wildlife, with tips on habitat construction, and suggested plant types for the size of habitat you want to create. Describes what animal will use which part of the plant.

North Coast Gardening, Attracting Wildlife: Simple Things You Can Do
Simple tips to attract wildlife and deal with pests.

North Coast Gardening: Attracting Birds to the Northwest Garden
Tips on how to provide water, food, and shelter for PNW birds and includes a list of plants and the birds they attract.

The North Coast Journal, Shelter for Critters
Tips on how to provide shelter, like rock and brush piles, for wildlife in your garden.

North Coast Gardening, Providing Water For Wildlife: How Not to Screw It Up
Tips on how to provide water sources that will best benefit wildlife.

North Coast Gardening, What Birds Need in Winter – Creating a Year-Round Habitat Garden
Tips on how PNW gardeners can attract birds to their gardens and help them during the winter.

Wildlife Gardening Resources for the Pacific Northwest
List of 5 books/guides for gardening to attract wildlife in the PNW.

National Wildlife Federation, Top Ten Native Plants for the Pacific Northwest
List of native PNW plants with description and how the plant is used by animals and people.

Because the trails in the region are very sensitive, all trails are closed to motorized recreational use. Bike, horse and foot traffic are all welcome.

Trail System Closed to Motorized Use.

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